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HUMANDEVELOPMENTUNDPREPORT2023/2024SNAPSHOTBreakingthegridlockReimaginingcooperation ina polarized worldCopyright@2024HUMANBy the United Nations Development Programme1UN Plaza,New York,NY 10017 USADEVELOPMENTREPORT2023/2024All rights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced,stored in a retrieval system or transmitted,in any form or by means,electronic,mechanical,photocopying,recording or otherwise,withoutprior permission.BreakingGeneral disclaimers.The designations employed and the presentationtheof the material in this publication do not imply the expression of anyopinion whatsoever on the part of the Human Development ReportgridlocOffice(HDRO)of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)●concerning the legal status of any country,territory,city or area or of itsauthorities,or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.ReimaginingDotted and dashed lines on maps represent approximate border linescooperationina polarized worldfor which there may not yet be full agreement.The findings,analysis,and recommendations of the Report,as withprevious Reports,do not represent the official position of the UNDP orThe 2023/2024 Humanof any of the UN Member States that are part of its Executive Board.Development ReportThey are also not necessarily endorsed by those mentioned in theacknowledgments or cited.The mention of specific companies does not imply that they areendorsed or recommended by UNDP in preference to others of a similarnature that are not mentioned.Some of the figures included in the analytical part of the report whereindicated have been estimated by the HDRO or other contributors to theReport and are not necessarily the official statistics of the concernedcountry,area or territory,which may use alternative methods.All thefigures included in the Statistical Annex are from official sources.Allreasonable precautions have been taken by the HDRO to verify theinformation contained in this publication.However,the publishedmaterial is being distributed without warranty of any kind,eitherexpressed or implied.The responsibility for the interpretation and use of the material lies withthe reader.In no event shall the HDRO and UNDP be liable for damagesarising from its use.The signed contributions in boxes and spotlights represent the opinionsof the authors and are the product of independent research of theirresponsibility.They do not represent necessarily the position or opinionsof the Human Development Report Office or UNDP.Any errors oromissions are the authors'responsibility.They are presented in thereport to stimulate debate and to encourage further dialogue betweenresearchers and decisionmakers.Printed in the USA,by AGS,an RR Donnelley Company,on ForestStewardship Council certified and elemental chlorine-free papers.Printed using vegetable-based ink.