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nlXiaomi Corporation2022 ESG Report PresentationnlDisclaimerBy attending the meeting where this presentation is made or by reading the presentation materials,you agree to be bound by the following limitations:The information in this presentation has been prepared by representatives of Xiaomi Corporation (the "Company".and together with its subsidiaries,the "Group")for use inpresentations by the Group and does not constitute a recommendation regarding the securities of the Group.No part of this presentation should form the basis of or berdied onin connection with,any contract or commitment or investment decision whatsoever.No representation or warranty,express or implied,is made as to,and no relance should be placed on the faimess,accuracy.completeness or correctness of the information,orThis presentation is based on the economic,regulatory,market and other conditions in effect on the date hereof.It should be understood that subsequent developments mayaffect the information contained in this presentation,which neither the Company nor its subsidiaries,affliates advisors or representatives are under an obligation to update reviseThe information communicated in this presentation may contain certan statements that are or may be forward looking.These statements typically contain words such as "will.and its advisors or representatives are unaware Against the background of these uncertainties,readers shoud not rely on these forward-looking statements.Neither theNo invitation is made by this presentation or the information contained herein to enter into,or offer to enter into,any agreement to purchase,acquire.dispose of.subscnbe for or