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SCIENCEBASEDTARGETSSBTi Steel Target Setting ToIMPORTANT:By using this tool you acknowledge that you have reTerms of useThis Tool is intended to enable companies to develop appropriate science-based emissions reductievaluating companies'targets.These terms of use govern all access to and use of the Tool.Please read these terms carefully beindicate that you have read and understood them and that you agree to abide by them.If you do noThe Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi)and its "Partner Organizations"(CDP,the United NaticNature (WWF))reserve the right,at their discretion,to withdraw or amend the Tool without notice,aFurther,the Partner Organizations reserve the right to modify or replace any part of these terms ofof the Tool following the posting of any changes to these terms constitutes acceptance of those chDisclaimerThe Tool and associated materials have been prepared by the SBTi with a high degree of expertisethe Partner Organizations,collectively and individually,do not warrant the Tool for any purpose,nofor any use or purpose whatsoever.Information generated by the Tool is not intended to amount toDeveloping science-based targets is a multi-step process and appropriate company-wide science-bregarding company emissions and activity levels.Only then should emissions targets be developecThe Tool relies on data obtained from a variety of third-party sources.This data was obtained fromcompleteness of this data.Further,scenarios and assumptions included in the Tool are inherentlyincluding,without limitation,the actions of governments,organizations and individuals.The Partneaccuracy or completeness of the data or assumptions contained in this Tool.You therefore understand that you use the Tool at your own discretion and risk.You agree that youPartner Organizations,collectively and individually,harmless for loss you might suffer arising out dPartner Organizations,collectively and individually,be liable for direct,indirect or consequential losReferencesThis tool uses data from the publicly available 1.5C aligned pathways from the IEA Net Zero by 20IEA Net Zero by 2050-A Roadmap for the Global Energy SectorHistory of revisionsVersionRelease DateVersion 1.018-Ju-23Released for public useAcronyms and definitionsACAAbsolute Contraction ApproachIEAInternational Energy AgencySDASectoral Decarbonization ApproachWB-2CClimate scenario aligned with a well-below 2 degree temperature goalClimate scenario aligned with a 1.5 degree temperature goalMetric tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalentkgCo2eKilograms of carbon dioxide equivalent