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ClimateActionTracker+4℃Policies2030actiontargetsonly+3.2℃+3℃Pledges&+2.7°Ctargets+2.6COptimistic+2.7Cscenario+2.2C+2.1℃+2.1°C+2.4°C+2℃+1.7C+1.5℃+1.5CAs the climate crisisworsens,the warming+0℃outlook stagnatesGlobal meantemperatureincreaseby2100Climate Action TrackerWarming Projections Global UpdateNovember 2024CLIMATEIESRANALYTICSINSTITUTESummaryDespite an escalating climate crisis marked by unprecedented wildfires,storms,Floods,anddroughts,our annual global temperature update shows global warming projections For 2100have not improved since 2021,with the aggregate effect of current policies setting the world on apath toward 2.7C of warming.This three-year standstill underscores a critical disconnect betweenthe reality of climate change and the urgency that governments are giving to the policies neededto reduce the greenhouse gases emissions driving global warming at a rate of close to 0.3C perdecade.Mixed signals from the political space are cancelling each other out and clearly hindering progress inclimate action.On the positive side,renewable energy and electric vehicle deployment reported record-breakingprogress:energy investments in clean energy are now double those for Fossil Fuels,particularly oiland gas,For the first time,while investment in clean manufacturing capacity is growing rapidly.On the negative side,Fossil fuel subsidies remain at an all-time high and Funding For fossil fuel-pro-longing projects quadrupled between 2021 and 2022.Unsurprisingly,this means that our emissionprojections expect an emissions peak by the end of the decade,but lack the steep decline necessaryin that period to reach the Paris Agreement goal.Although it seems like we have reached a standstill over the last three years,the truth is that thereis a lot of action happening,but unfortunately,not all in the right direction.The exponentialgrowth of renewable energy now allows a Faster decline after 2030,despite the increasingemissions so far.Policies actionRealworld action based on current polidest2030 targets onlyBased on 2030 NDC targets*tPledges targetsBased on 2030 NDC targets*andsubmitted and binding long-term targetsPolicies2030actiontargetsOptimistic scenarioonlyBest case scenario and assumes Fullimplementation of all announced targetsPledgesincluding net zero targets,LTSs and NDCs*targetsOptimistic+2.7℃scenario+22℃+2.4℃+2.1℃+2.1℃+2℃+1.7℃+1.5℃+1.5℃1.5C PARIS AGREEMENT GOALCAT warming projections■WE ARE HEREGlobal temperature1.3℃Warmingin2023increase by 2100November 2024 UpdatePRE-INDUSTRIAL AVERAGEGlobal meanClimatetemperatureActionincreaseby2100TrackerClimate Action Tracker Warming Projections Global Update-November 2024