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绿色创新发展研究院Policy Brief SeriesF-GasesReduction Efforts andPerspectives in ChinaTIEU LENH CHUA CHAYNov.20241.Fluorinated Greenhouse Gases as "SuperGreenhouse Gases”According to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO),2023 was the warmestyear on record,with global near-surface average temperatures about 1.45(+0.12)Cabove pre-industrial levels-dangerously close to the Paris Agreement's 1.5'C limit.As climate change worsens,more ambition is urgently needed.Fluorinated greenhouse gases(F-Gases)regulated by the Kyoto Protocol includehydrofluorocarbons(HFCs),perfluorocarbons(PFCs),sulfur hexafluoride(SFs),andnitrogen trifluoride (NF3).2Despite making up only 3%of total emissions,3 thesegases have a much higher Global Warming Potential (GWP)(Fig.1).For instance,SFshas a greenhouse effect up to 25,200 times stronger than CO2 over a 100-yearperiod,making it one of the most powerful greenhouse gases(GHGs)(Table 1).According to the IPCC Synthesis Report,F-Gases have contributed around 0.1C tohistorical global warming,while carbon dioxide,the main GHG,has accounted for a0.8 C rise in temperatures.4GasLife Cyde (Years)GWP100HFC-2322814600HFC-325.471HFC-125303740HFC-134a141530PFC-14500007380PFC-1161000012400.F-Gases32002520056917400Source:UNEP Emissions Gap Report 2024Source:IPCC,AR6 ReportWorld Meteorological Association.(2024).State of the global climate 2023.2 Nitrogen trifluoride (NFa)was not covered by the Kyoto Protocol adopted in 1997;however,the Kyoto Protocd ,which came into effect on December 31,2020,brought NFa under control.China's most recent national GHGinventory is for 2018 data and has not yet included NF3.United Nations Environment Programme.(2024).Emissions Gap Report 2024.Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.(2023).Climate Change 2023:Synthesis Report.