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RESOURCESFUTUREGreenhouse Gas EmissionsIntensities of the Steel andAluminum Industries at theProduct LevelBrian P.Flannery and Jan W.MaresReport 24-13August 2024About the AuthorsBrian P.Flannery is a visiting fellow at Resources for the Future(RFP).Dr.Flannery joined RFF in 2012 wherehe continues involvement in climate and energy issues that began when he joined Exxon's CorporateResearch in 1980.He retired from Exxon Mobil Corporation in 2011 as Science,Strategy,and ProgramsManager.At Exxon,he conducted and supported climate research,and organized international meetings onclimate-related science,technology,economics,and policy.As an observer for industry and continuing at RFF,he followed and reported on IPCC assessments and negotiations under the UN Framework Convention.AtExxon,Flannery played a leadership role in creating the Joint Program on the Science and Policy of GlobalChange (MIT)and the Global Climate and Energy Project (Stanford).Flannery has served on numerous editorial and advisory boards,among them Stanford University School ofEngineering and Annual Reviews of Energy and Environment and participated in assessments by the US DOE(climate modeling and scenarios),EPA (climate impacts),and IPCC Working Group Ill.He served with businessassociations including the International Chamber of Commerce (Vice-Chair,Environment and EnergyCommission),US Council for International Business (Chair,International Energy Working Group),and MajorEconomies Business Forum (Chair,Task Force on Business Engagement).Before Exxon,Flannery pursued a career in astrophysics with degrees from Princeton (1970)and UC SantaCruz (PhD 1974)and as a post-doctoral associate at the Institute for Advanced Study and assistant andassociate professor at Harvard.Flannery is coauthor of the reference book Numerical Recipes:The Art ofScientific Computing.Jan W.Mares is a senior advisor at Resources for the Future,where he has been involved with work on energyand environmental issues since 2009.From 2003 to 2009,he was Deputy Director of the Private Sector Officeof the Department of Homeland Security.During the Reagan Administration,Mares was an AssistantSecretary of Commerce for Import Administration for about a year,a Senior Policy Analyst at the White House,and for four years was three different Assistant Secretaries of Energy including for Fossil Energy.Beforeentering federal service,Mares was with Union Carbide Corporation for about 18 years.About nine years ofthat tenure were in the law department,where he worked on antitrust compliance and purchasing issues,aswell as spending seven years on issues involving Union Carbide's overseas activities,and he became theInternational Counsel.The other nine years involved business responsibilities in the chemicals area.Theyincluded leading an effort for three years to create a chemicals joint venture with a Middle Easterngovernment company and being the operations/profit manager for several groups of industrial chemicals.From early 1980 until joining the Department of Energy in 1981,he was Vice President-General Manager of theEthylene Oxide Derivatives Division.Resources for the Future