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Responsible Business AllianceAdvancing Sustainability GloballyVersion 8.0(2024)RESPONSIBLE BUSINESS ALLIANCE CODE OF CONDUCTThe Responsible Business Alliance(RBA)Code of Conduct establishes standards to ensure thatworking conditions in supply chains are safe,and that business is conducted responsibly,ethically,and with respect for human rights and the environment.The Code may be voluntarily adopted by any business and subsequently applied by that businessto its direct and indirect supply chain and subcontractors,including providers of contract labor.To adopt the Code and become a participant("Participant),a business shall declare its support forthe Code and conduct due diligence in line with the Code and its standards through the establishmentof an effective management system.Participants must regard the Code as a total supply chain initiative.At a minimum,Participants shallalso require their next tier suppliers to acknowledge and implement the Code.Fundamental to adopting the Code is the understanding that a business,in all of its activities,mustoperate in full compliance with applicable laws,rules,and regulations1.In alignment withintemationally recognized standards as listed under the References of this document,and drawingupon best practices in global supply chains,elements of this Code may go beyond legalcompliance in order to advance social and environmental responsibility and business ethics.In nocase can complying with the Code violate applicable laws.If,however,there are differing standardsbetween the RBA Code and applicable laws,the RBA defines conformance as meeting the strictestrequirements.The provisions of this Code are derived from and respect intemationally recognized standardsincluding:.OECD Guidelines for Multinational EnterprisesUN Guiding Principles on Business and Human RightsILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at WorkILO Fundamental ConventionsUN Universal Declaration of Human RightsThe Code is made up of five sections:Sections A,B,and C:Standards for Labor,Health and Safety,and the Environment,respectively.Section D:Standards relating to business ethics.Section E:Elements of an acceptable system to manage confommity to this CodeThe RBA is committed to obtaining regular input from stakeholders in the continued developmentand implementation of the Code of Conduct.1 The Code isnot intended to createnew and additionalthird-party rights,induding for workers.1Responsible Business Alliance Code of Conduct v8.0