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InformaticaHOW ORGANIZATIONSCAN ACHIEVEESG DATA MASTERYHOW ORGANIZATIONSESG DATA MASTERYFrom polar vortices to raging brush fires,climate change is continuallyin the news.Awareness of social injustice is growing,while worries aboutprivacy threaten to stifle innovation.Environmental,social and governance(ESG)issues haveIn the simplest terms,customers want the companies theybecome as central to the business environment as inflationbuy from to make a positive contribution.By prioritizing ESGand interest rates.In the wake of the pandemic,consumersbusinesses can build trust by clarifying how their operations,investors and regulators have woken up to the ethicalsupply chains and products make the world a better place.dimensions of economic growth.Organizations that Fail toThat's an opportunity-but it comes with responsibility.address the ESG impacts of their products and operationsCustomers and investors want proof that words are beingcould quickly find themselves in steep decline,facing abacked up by actions.tribunal,or forced to pay a hefty fine.Against that backdrop,reliable ESG reporting has rapidlybecome a critical issue.Reporting is just 20%of the task.The criteria for demonstrating ESG performance include netESG data management consumeszero progress,socialimpacts,employment equity,productthe other 80%.1safety and the governance of personal and commercialdata.But how do you prove you've hit an ESG benchmark?While regulatory standards for ESG reporting are evolving,different national and regional regimes don't alwaysInside companies,individual departments often collectdifferent internal and third-party data.Much of the information collected isn't financialyet financial rigor is what everyone expects.Data plays an obvious role in evaluating any businessperformance but creating an actionable store of ESG dataremains an obstacle.the challenges organizations face when attempting tostanding.They will also share solutions for confident,data-driven decision-making.Source:Levent Ergin,Global Chief ESG Sustainability Strategist,How Organizations Can Achieve ESG Data Mastery