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SCIENCEBASEDTARGETSDRIVING AMBITIOUS CORPORATE CLIMATE ACTIONGUIDANCE FOR ICTCOMPANIES SETTINGSCIENCE BASEDTARGETSMOBILE NETWORKS OPERATORSFIXED NETWORKS OPERATORS ANDDATA CENTRES OPERATORSSCIENCEBASEDTARGETSACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThis document has been jointly developed by the ITU.GeSl.GSMA andthe Science Based Targets Initiative.specialised agency for information and communication technologies(ICTs).Founded in 1865.ITU's global membership includes to date193 Member States as wellas some goo companies.universities.and international and regional organisations.Its community coversmore than 20000 professionals.ITU-T Study Group 5 on Environment.Climate Change and Circular Economy is responsible for developingmethodologies to evaluate the impacts of ICTs on climate change.ITU-TStudy Group 5 produces international standards (also known as ITU-TRecommendations)that provide guidance for using ICTs in an eco-friendly manner and methodologies to reduce the adverse environmentaleffects of ICTs.ITU-T Study Group 5 membership consists of memberstates.ICT experts and a wide range of ICT stakeholders.Built based onconsensus and collaboration.ITU-T Study Groups 5 standards provide theessential tools for using ICTs sustainably and they have made significantcontribution to the progress of climate-related Sustainable DevelopmentGoals and other global commitments.GeSl works with a range of international stakeholders committed toICT sustainability and supports member initiatives in countries whichtackle:climate change.energy and resource efficiency.privacy andsecurity.digital Literacy and digital divide,human rights.as well as fostercollaborative and innovative approaches.ideas and joint initiatives.With these partnerships.Gesl is able to work towards its globalvisionof a greater evolution of the ICT sector to best meet the challenges ofsustainable development.The GSMA represents the interests of mobile operators worldwide.SBTi is a collaboration between CDP.the United Nations GlobalCompact (UNGC).World Resources Institute (WRI),and theWorld Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)and one of the We Mean BusinessCoalition commitments.Aspecial thank you to Pernilla Bergmark (Ericsson ITU-TSG5Rapporteur).Cristina Bueti (ITU).Gilbert Buty (Nokia /ITU-T SG5 AssociateGSMARapporteur).Jean-Manuel Canet (Orange ITU-T SG5 Rapporteur).AlexFarsan (Science Based Targets initiative).Paolo Gemma (Chairman ofWorking Party 2/5.ITU-T SG5).Jens Malmodin (Ericsson).Luis Neves(GeSl),Fernando Rangel Villasana (Science Based Targets initiative).SaraSharp (GSMA).Andie Stephens (Carbon Trust).Chris Tuppen (AdvancingSCIENCEBASEDSustainability/GeSl).Steven Moore (GSMA)and Philippe TuzzolinoTARGETS(Orange)for their contributions to this paper.