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SCIENCEBASEDTARGETSTRANSPORTSCIENCE-BASEDTARGET SETTINGGUIDANCEDeveloped byWWFSCIENCEBASEDTARGETSACKNOWLEDGEMENTSABOUT OUR TECHNICAL PARTNERSThis guidance was developed by WWF on behalf of the ScienceSMARTBased Targets initiative (SBTi).The Science Based Targets initiativeFREIGHTmobilizes companies to set science-based targets and boost theircompetitive advantage in the transition to the low-carbon economy.Itis a collaboration between CDP,the United Nations Global Compact,Smart Freight Centre (SFC)was established in 2013World Resources Institute (WRI)and the World Wide Fund for Natureas a global non-profit organization leading the way(WWF)and one of the We Mean Business Coalition commitments.to a more efficient and environmentally sustain-able global freight and logistics sector.SFC worksFor this project we counted on the support of three technical part-with businesses and other stakeholders to removeners which are global organizations working on sustainability andmarket barriers catalyzing sector-wide action to im-transport:prove fuel efficiency.reduce emissions and loweroperating costs.Smart Freight Centre(SFC)Partnership on Sustainable,Low Carbon Transport (SLoCaT)International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT)司During the development of this work we also had the advice fromtechnical experts:The Partnership on Sustainable.Low Carbon Trans-port (SLoCaT)promotes the integration of sustain-Ecofys,a Navigant Companyable transport in global policies on sustainableInternational Energy Agency (IEA)development and climate change and leveragingaction in support of the implementation of the glob-A technical advisory group of dedicated experts from industry andal policies.SLoCaT consists of a multi-stakeholderNGOs provided detailed input during the planning phase and onpartnership of over go organizations.which is sup-various drafts of the guidance and tooL.ported by the SLoCaT Foundation.A public workshop was organized in Paris in July 2017 to get inputon key methodological choices from other stakeholders not directlyengaged in the project,plus two consultation webinars were heldduring the month of August 2017.icctPrimary authors:Irma Paola Delgado Luna,WWFFernando Rangel Villasana,WWFThe International Councilon Clean Transportation isan independent nonprofit organization founded toEditor:provide first-rate.unbiased research and technicalSuzanne Greene,MIT Sustainable Logistics Initiative and Technicaland scientific analysis to environmental regulators.Advisor,Smart Freight CentreIts mission is to improve the environmental perfor-mance and energy efficiency of road.marine.andCover and back cover photos:Michael Buckley WWF-Canadaair transportation,in order to benefit public healthand mitigate climate change.@1986 Panda SymbolWWF-World Wide Fund For Nature (also known as World Wildlife Fund)WWF"is a WWF Registered Trademark