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KPMGVoices0n2030The future of energyKPMG in Belgiumkpmg.com/be/EnergyVoices丝Russia's invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022 hasbe fundamentally transformed:reshaped by changinghad severe consequences for Europe.On top of anstakeholder expectations,driven by technology,already tight gas market and low availability of Frenchdigitalization,regulation,evolving customernuclear power plants,the invasion has resulted inexpectations and other disruptive forces.energy scarcity which has caused energy prices toskyrocket,constituting a burden for both industry andOur goal with this report is not only to share the boldhouseholds,dampening economic recovery from thepredictions of some of the key Voices in the sector,downturn experienced in 2020.but to stimulate debate and encourage our readers toreflect on what they think the future holds.In today'sThis crisis has placed the topic of energy security backworld,where energy security,affordability andon top of the geopolitical agenda and has reminded usEnvironmental,Social and Governance (ESG)hasthat energy is the cornerstone of economicrightfully taken center stage in the minds of alldevelopment and human prosperity.Together with thestakeholders,the decisions we make today willurgent need to decarbonize our society and theundoubtedly shape our future.ambition to move away from fossil fuels,the necessityto create a new energy future has never been moreWe thank the Voices that shared their time andpressing.expertise to make this project a reality.KPMG inBelgium is also committed to playing a constructiveLooking ahead,where will we be at the start of thepart in the green transition towards 2030.This year wenew decade,in the year 2030?released our first KPMG Impact Report aimed atenhancing the transparency and accountability of ourWhy Voices on 2030:The future of Energy?firm,including the capture of our own environmentalfootprint and sustainability initiatives.In addition,weTo explore what the energy landscape could look likeare also investing in capabilities that will assist ourin 2030,KPMG asked various leaders of key players inclients in navigating the energy transition.the energy sector to share their vision on the futureThe Voices in this report explore the energy sectorWe hope the insights of our Voices will challenge yourfrom every angle,ranging from producers,own thinking about the actions needed to get us to thetransporters,distributors,suppliers and beyond.Seenenergy world we want to have in 2030 and beyond.as a whole,the Voices create a valuable chorus ofWhilst the exact pathway for energy to get us there isinsight and expertise into the future of the energystill not completely clear,we are confident thatsector.And while views may vary,it's clear thatBelgium has strong cards to play and will take thecooperation between the different stakeholders is keynecessary actions over the course of the next years toto achieving our goals,both on a Belgian and Europeanachieve a new and positive energy future.level.And while the future will be challenging,this reportThese Voices capture a range of views on the differentillustrates that we can look at it with confidence andenergy transition pathways between now and 2030.hopeOne point on which they all agree is that the sector willJorn De NeveMagali VercammenPartner,Head of Energy NaturalSector Lead,Energy NaturalResources,KPMG in BelgiumResources,KPMG in BelgiumVoices on 2030