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Deutsche BankResearch☑Al in 2025:25 themesin 25 memesJanuary 30,2025Adrian CoxThematic Strategist(+44-20-7541-7775adrian.cox@db.comResearch Analyst(+44-20-7547-4994galina.pozdnyakova@db.comDALL-EA picture is worth 1,000 wordsIf a picture is worth 1,000 words,this chartbook should save you fromreading 25,000 of them.That counts for something in a week when so mary millions of words havebeen written about the surprise arrival of China's DeepSeek Al model.CreatingAl has come ofage in the era ofthe meme-and it tums out memes areone of the best ways of explaining where it is going.MemesThis chartbook has five sections with five key themes each:1.Technology:moving beyond large language models (LLMs)2.The business of Al:the money magnet3.Al in enterprises:still multiple hurdles4.Jobs outlook:keeping up the good work5.The future:FOMO trumps safety fears14-Year-OldsAl is not just a popular subject for memes.It can also interpret and createon Redditmemes itself.We instantly generated the meme on this page using imgflip's ChatGPT-based Al Meme Generator and the prompt"Create a meme about howgood Al is at creating memes".Getting even more meta,we asked a competing Al chatbot to interpret it.Claude 3.5 Sonnet snapped back that the image was "playfully mockingboth groups by suggesting they're equally amateur at making memes".