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RESOURCESfor the FUTUREAdaptive Systems forClimate-Ready FisheriesManagementMatthew N.Reimer,Anthony Rogers,and James N.SanchiricoWorking Paper 24-06May 2024About the AuthorsMatthew N.Reimer is an associate professor of agricultural and resourceeconomics at the University of California,Davis.His research focuses on the designand evaluation of public policies for natural resource conservation and management.Reimer's work spans several topical areas,including fisheries,marine protectedareas,climate change,coastal resilience,and adaptive management of marineresources.Reimer is also heavily involved in the policymaking process for US federalfisheries:he is currently a member of the Science and Statistical Committee (SSC)for the Pacific Fisheries Management Council and a former member of the SSC forthe North Pacific Fisheries Management Council.Anthony Rogers is the Strategic Initiatives Director for the California OceanScience Trust,an independent nonprofit organization created by state legislationto connect scientific expertise in academia with policy and management decisionsand accelerate progress towards California's vision of a healthy,equitable,andproductive coast and ocean.He is an experienced leader in developing andsupporting science-based initiatives and projects that result in concrete,actionablepolicy outcomes.A natural resource economist by training,Anthony has extensiveexperience working across a host of environmental issues,mostly notably fisheriesand other ocean resources.His current work is focused on exploring how fishingcommunities can increase resilience to climate impacts,how financial mechanismscan support nature-based coastal adaptation,and the role science can play innavigating marine carbon removal approaches.James N.Sanchirico is a university fellow at Resources for the Future andprofessor of natural resource economics and policy in the Department ofEnvironmental Science and Policy at the University of California Davis.His mainresearch interests are the economic analysis of policy design,implementation,and evaluation for marine resources and terrestrial species conservation.Hereceived the Rosenstiel Award for Oceanographic Sciences in 2012,the UC DavisDistinguished Scholarly Public Service Award in 2014,and the Publication ofEnduring Quality Award from the Association of Environmental and ResourceEconomists in 2023.He is currently Co-Editor at the Journal of the Associationof Environmental and Resource Economists,member of the U.S.NationalAcademies of Science Ocean Studies Board,member of the U.S.NationalAcademies Standing Committee on Offshore Wind Energy and Fisheries,andprincipal investigator on the NSF-funded Sustainable Oceans National ResearchTraining program for graduate students in marine and coastal policy at UC Davis.