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Executive summaryBreakeven driving distanceassociated with their manufacturing and use have raised questionsfor lifecycle CO2 emissionsregarding just how clean they really are.The answer:in all analyzed41,000kmfor BEVs and ICEs made incases,EVs have lower lifecydle emissions than their intemal combustion2023 in the USengine (ICE)counterparts.Just how much lower depends on how farEstimated time taken to paythey are driven,and the cleanliness of the grid where they charge.With2.2 yearsback EV manufacturingzero-emission generation deployment rising globally,we expect that EVsemissions from driving anwill reach the breakeven emissions point with ICEs even earlier.EVin the US in 2023Estimated time taken to pay(BEVs)produced in 2023 and used for 250,000 kilometers (km)would4.2 yearsback EV manufacturingbe 27-71%lower than those of equivalent ICEs in the five marketsincluded in this report.Today,the breakeven point at which BEVs areEVin China in 2030cleaner than ICE comes after driving 41,000 km in the US,far soonerTotal CO2 emissions of medium-segment ICEs andthan the 118,000 km currently seen in China.By 2030,the breakevenBEVs produced in 2023 and used for 250,000 kilometerspoint will have moved up significantly in all regions surveyed.Metric tons CO2.BEV manufacturing emissions depend directly on the location of70battery cell production and material refining.At the moment,importing60■UseEVs from China could increase the BEV-to-ICE CO2 emissions50breakeven distance by 9-17%.By 2030,that could more than doublefor some markets.Over time,lifecycle CO2 emissions can be reduced40■Battery packby limiting transport emissions through on-shoring or near-shoring30manufacturingbattery manufacturing,which laws like the US Inflation Reduction Act20have encouraged through stringent policy requirements.We present estimates for the lifecycle emissions of battery-electricmanufacturingvehicles (BEV)and internal combustion engine cars (ICE)to 2030 for0BEV ICE BEVICE BEV ICE BEVICE BEV ICEthe US,China,the UK,Germany and Japan.Our full methodology,and details on how this edition of the report differs from the last oneUK Germany USChina Japancan be found in Section Four.engine,BEV battery-electric vehicle.BloombergNEF