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IEFCopper Mining andA Report by the International Energy ForumMay 2024INTERNATIONALENERGYFORUMCopper Mining and Vehicle ElectrificationA Report by the International Energy Forum May 2024Written byLawrence M.CathlesAdam C.SimonUniversity of Michigan,MichiganBiographyBiographyAfter doctoral research on the viscosity ofAdam is Arthur F.Thurnau Professor ofthe earth's mantle at Princeton University,Earth Environmental Sciences at theCathles spent periods at KennecottUniversity of Michigan and a Fellow of theCopperCorporation'sLedgemontSociety of Economic Geologists.HisLaboratory,The Pennsylvania Stateresearch focuses on the geology andUniversity,and the Chevron Oil Fieldgeochemistry of mineral deposits thatResearch Laboratory before joining theprovide society with copper and othercritical minerals.Adam has led researchbecoming professor emeritus in 2018.programs on all seven continents.He hasLarry co-directed the Global Basinsco-authored the textbooks MineralResearch Network,was the 24th HughResources,Economics and the Environ-Exton McKinstry Memorial Lecturerment,which is considered an authoritative(1989)at Harvard,and the 2008 Adriansource for beginners and experts,and EarthSmith Lecturer at the University ofMaterials:Components of a Diverse Planet.Waterloo.He was the 2011 DistinguishedHe has published 100 peer-reviewedLecturer and the 2021 Penrose Goldresearch articles and has received awardsMedal recipient of the Society offor his transformative approaches toEconomic Geologists and is a felloweducation including the University ofof the American Association of theMichigan Teaching Innovation Prize and theAdvancement of Science.He was aDistinguished Teaching Professor from theleader of the oil and gas thrust of theUniversity of Nevada Las Vegas.HeCornell KAUST program,and a Director ofregularly delivers lectures to the generalCornell's Institute for the Study of thepublic and experts on all aspects of theContinents.He has published over 140energy transition including a TEDx talk.peer-reviewed publications and a book:He is the 2024 Society of Economic'The Viscosity or the Earth's Mantle"Geologists Distinguished Lecturer.About the International Energy ForumThe International Energy Forum (IEF)is the world's largest international organization of energyministers from 73 countries and includes both producing and consuming nations.The IEF has abroad mandate to examine all energy issues,including oil and gas,clean and renewable energy,sustainability,energy transitions and new technologies,data transparency,and energy access.Through the Forum and its associated events,officials,industry executives,and other expertsengage in a dialogue of increasing importance to global energy security and sustainability.