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ADBInstituteADBI Working Paper SeriesRENEWABLE ENERGY DEVELOPMENT:HOW CLOSE IS THE PEOPLE'SREPUBLIC OF CHINA TO ACHIEVINGCARBON NEUTRALITY?Yao LixiaNo.1438March 2024Asian Development Bank InstituteYao Lixia is a senior research fellow,Energy Security Division,Energy Studies Institute,National University of Singapore.The views expressed in this paper are the views of the author and do not necessarilyreflect the views or policies of ADBl,ADB,its Board of Directors,or the governmentsthey represent.ADBI does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this paperand accepts no responsibility for any consequences of their use.Terminology used maynot necessarily be consistent with ADB official temms.Discussion papers are subject to fommal revision and correction before they are finalizedand considered published.The Working Paper series is a continuation of the formerly named Discussion Paper series;the numbering of the papers continued without interruption or change.ADBI's workingpapers reflect initial ideas on a topic and are posted online for discussion.Some workingpapers may develop into other forms of publication.Suggested citation:Lixia,Y.2024.Renewable Energy Development:How Close is the People's Republicof China to Achieving Carbon Neutrality?ADBI Working Paper 1438.Tokyo:AsianDevelopment Bank Institute.Available:https://doi.org/10.56506/HXPU5515Please contact the authors for information about this paper.Email:esiyaol@nus.edu.sgThe author gratefully acknowledges the contribution of Phan Dam Quan,a formerstudent of the National University of Singapore,concerning the literature review forthis study.Asian Development Bank InstituteKasumigaseki Building,8th Floor3-2-5 Kasumigaseki,Chiyoda-kuTokyo 100-6008,JapanTel:+81-3-3593-5500Fax:+81-3-3593-5571URL:www.adbi.orgE-mail:info@adbi.org2024 Asian Development Bank Institute